Sony PS3 and PS binds its Vita
Indeed, the company will this time far more by introducing the "Buy Cross": if you buy a game on the PlayStation 3, you receive a free digital copy for PS Vita. This is for example the case of All Stars Battle Royale vgp-bpl13, Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time or Ratchet & Clank. We do not know by cons if it will be also valid in the other direction (Vita PS to PS3).
Unsurprisingly, we also treated to a demonstration of the "Cross Controller" that allows to use the PS Vita as a joystick for vgp-bps2b PlayStation 3. As expected, Little Big Planet 2 will be able to take advantage, and you can also use the touch screen of the handheld to move objects, for example. The result is reminiscent of what will soon propose to the Nintendo Wii GamePad of U that we could take control.
The firm then (re) announced that the PSone Classics game would arrive on the PS Vita vgp-bps13b, but with a launch date this time: it will be August 28th. For example it is question of Final Fantasy, Tomb Raider or Wild Arms. We have always against by any indication of the tariffs to be applied.
PlayStation Mobile: HTC ASUS joins the exclusive club of certified manufacturers
We then had the right to a little speech on PlayStation Mobile, the new name for the PlayStation Suite, which was launched at E3 in early June. SONY vgp-bps22, take this conference to show us some pictures of games that will be offered this year via the PlayStation Store. If you buy a title via the latter, you can enjoy on all compatible terminals (Tablet, smartphone, PS Vita, etc..).
Moreover, after HTC, so it's now the turn of Wikipad and ASUS to join the list of certified
manufacturers PSM. Remains to be seen if all the mobile terminals of the Taiwanese brand will be eligible, or if this option is reserved only for certain models.
SONY vgp-bpl21 enriches the catalog of his Wonderbook with several new titles
After unveiling his concept of Wonderbook at its E3 conference, Sony vgp-bps21a announced that it has entered into a new partnership with studios Moonbot to offer you a new game where you play as a detective: Diggs Nightcrawler. PS Move is transformed into a virtual magnifying glass allowing you to search for clues to a crime scene.
Other applications have been unveiled with a more educational to you to discover, for example, the world of dinosaurs, volcanoes, or the universe. A partnership with Disney has also been mentioned, but no further details on the securities to be offered.